Cloud Chamber

Recent reviews for Cloud Chamber...

"Photographs that use the streets as a stage set to create an exquisite opera of the human condition."
- Aline Smithson in Lenscratch

"Ziskie considers the stories that make up a person's interior and how small nuances within these stories have the capacity to effect a total stranger."
- Miabelle Salzano in Musee Magazine

Dan Ziskie
Cloud Chamber
Damiani Books
First Edition 2017
108 pages
ISBN: 9788862085472

Each moment lived on the streets of New York charges the next; our actions reflect off each other as we’re squeezed by the crowds and the sirens and the traffic into evolving life. Street life. And yet, even as we bounce off each other, sometimes literally, amid the jackhammers and the horns and semi-constant state of emergency, you may find that it can all be a kind of shield, a protection that allows you to feel as if you were for a moment alone – alone in the cloud chamber of New York.

‘Cloud Chamber’ is the first monograph by American actor and photographer Dan Ziskie, including unique and contemporary photographs taken in New York between 2013 and 2016.

Here you’ll find New York street photography. And street photographs from places beyond New York. Enjoy.
